
How does this Return Scroll actually work?

So basically, does it wipe out everything of the item besides the potential right? Or does it clean failed slots once? I don't really understand. Thanks!

January 23, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first


@minticecream12: Yes, if you choose it to do so, i.e. if a chaos scroll gives you lower stats.

Reply January 23, 2013

So it clears only one slot? Like a small perfect innocence scroll?

Reply January 23, 2013

You just described 2 different scrolls. Allow me to explain.

[quote=minticecream12]So basically, does it wipe out everything of the item besides the potential right?[/quote]
This is the effect of the Perfect Innocence Scroll.

[quote=minticecream12]Or does it clean failed slots once?[/quote]
This is mostly what a Return Scroll does, but with another perk. If successful, the Return Scroll gives you the [i]option[/i] to revert an equip back to the state it was in before you used your last scroll on it. This becomes useful for Chaos Scrolls. If the scroll fails, the Return Scroll will act like a normal Shield Scroll.

Reply January 23, 2013 - edited