
Best training spot for a level 50+ Page?

I'm level 51 atm and I'd just like to know the best spot for me to train.

December 23, 2010

3 Comments • Newest first


Um like a lv every 45 min not too bad. I timed myself and I got like 26% in 15 minutes at lv 56 but at lv 62 i got 18% in 10 minutes so it doesnt really change much. And it took me two hits to kill them. So if you can hit 4500ish every time it will be pretty good for you.

Reply December 23, 2010 - edited

How fast were moon bunnies? Haha and thanks.

Reply December 23, 2010 - edited

From a page to a page (Im actually lv63 now dont pay attention to my lv).
From 53-62 I trained on the first map of Moon Bunnies in Korean Folk Town, quite enjoyable.
Then 63 I went to Bernard Grays in Omega Sector.
After 67ish whenever you feel ready, head over to Jesters.
gl and Page Pride woot

Reply December 23, 2010 - edited