
Do 1h weapon pink scrolls still exist?

I've never seen one, and I go through the FM a few times a day. I've never seen any. Only 1h sword 50% pinks and 2h weapon 50% pinks, NEVER 1h weapon pinks.

What can I use to scroll a katara besides 60%s and 10%?

December 7, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first


when the event was out, most people farmed the 50% 2h pinks since nl's, dk's and arans were popular at the time. so good luck finding some

Reply December 7, 2012

[quote=shaftkid2]@iBeA: it is a bad thing it makes me want to leave bera after 7 years of loyalty[/quote]

Lol its the same in every server so just leave maple? Only difference is some servers aren't as highly populated.

Reply December 7, 2012

I've seen a few of them floating around the FM at outrages prices of course. Depends on if anyone on your server hoarded them or not.

Reply December 7, 2012

20% event scrolls. The one from tempest shop

Reply December 7, 2012