
F.p. vs. Pally

So i've gotten my MM to the point where i won't be funding it anymore so now i'm having a tough decision.... What class next? I've got both a F/p and UA Pally and enjoy both playstyles (the f.p is 138 and the pally is 125). Both are completely unfunded right now (like less than 50m unfunded) both are statless and have atleast decent weapons to use a on my F/P i've passed Paralyze 20/30 and ME 20 and on my pally i've passed nothing yet. Now my main decision point would be what can solo bosses with the least amount of funding at the lowest levels? Also any other inputs into these classes and what i should look for? (book prices etc)

August 20, 2012

8 Comments • Newest first


f/p are more fun, pally have HELL def and mdef so you'll hardly die.
Your choice.

Reply August 20, 2012

So you're a hipster...
F/Ps beat Paladins into the dirt and then pee on them. Not biased I swear.

Reply August 20, 2012

what exactly does the pally card do ? i'm not actually sure O.o ?

Reply August 20, 2012

Paladin if you can get your hands on an ACB book. Otherwise go with the F/P.

Reply August 20, 2012

[quote=Omnipathy]Paladin for the character card[/quote]

thisss for sure

Reply August 20, 2012

I'd say F/p because you already have passed some books, and they're really unique. I think f/ps are also stronger, but play whichever you think is more fun. That's what matters.

Reply August 20, 2012

wow that's so weird cuz i just quit my pally for my f/p loool.
f/p can solo bosses with a lower funding than pallys.

Reply August 20, 2012 - edited