
Maple Community Why

Hey basilers! So this is going to be a semi-rant or a rant (why did I say semi). If you don't wanna hear me whine, you can leave. Anyways, long story short, I got ksed by a freaking rich ab. Yes I say rich because I was level 110, she was lvl 90, she hit 10x my damage. I asked nicely a few times for her to leave... no response. I ks her... oh wait, impossible. I keep asking her and yet she still doesn't move. After that I just left. Oh yea, did I mention, it was minutes before 2x and I was there for 2hours waiting for 2x? >.> Maple, why do you do this. And no not maple, maple community. Just because you hit straight 9's and 1hko everything as a lvl 5, doesn't mean you're king of the world or king of maple, it means you spent tons of money on this game or you have no life for merching or whatever else. What gives you the right to ks? And yes, everyone kses, everyone gets ksed, but what's the point? What is the achievement of reaching 200 so fast for? Yes, that makes me sound like a hypocrite since I was trying to level, but I was there for 2 hours, that might not be too long, but.. .well it is <_> Anyways, so big whoop, you have money, you have a guild and you have 9's, does that make you God? People ask why Maple sucks, it's not only because nexon screws stuff it, it's because community sucks. Khaini (I'm pretty sure) is known as being a hacker server. And I'm pretty sure that 99% (big exaggeration) of maple's "rich-upperclass" probably is a hacker, knows a hacker, or works with a hacker. Okay this rant is going off topic. Anyways, maplers, just because you're behind a computer, playing some useless game (I play is too itsk), doesn't give you the right to ks someone. If this was real life, would you steal someone's food? Would steal someone's money? (no random money on ground, like steal their wallet or something) Would you steal from a store just to make your car look 10000000000x cooler? If you would, please go see a doctor, jk, but don't do it. K, this was long, long story short, don't be that _______ (insert word of choice) who kses, who steals, who just wants power, be a little more nicer, have some decency. And yes, the flame will come to this thread, but oh well, people need to realize that being better, stronger, richer person, doesn't make you a better person. Plus, this is all a game, why am I ranting. Eh, I play the game, I would like it to have a better community. This post has gotten to sentimental and basil isn't known for sentimental, oh well kbai

tl;dr: To the ksers, stahp


January 12, 2013

11 Comments • Newest first


ksing is not the same as stealing, you dont own the map

Reply January 12, 2013

Luminous' reflection still fares better in KSing.

Reply January 12, 2013

Your argument is invalid due to the fact that ALL Abs are OP. Just because there is always someone stronger doesn't mean you have to come to Basil and complain about said people. Have a nice day.

Reply January 12, 2013

Just don't go to those extremely popular training maps. Problem solved. Unless some other hipster decides to come in and start ksing you in THAT map. But, fat chance. Most Maplers have conditioned their minds to "Haunted Mansion and Aliens" until LHC. Which I don't approve of in any way. I absolutely refuse to train in those maps. Hence, no ksing problems for me.
Just find a nice alternative. No, it's not going to be as fast or faster than Haunted Mansion, but at least you don't have to deal with a massive headache and ksers. I say that's a major plus. That way, you're hope in the Maple community will still be (somewhat) intact.
Basil's destroying that for me, though...

Reply January 12, 2013 - edited

game has been this way from the beginning of time.

Reply January 12, 2013 - edited

yeah but, classes like ab will be getting killed in the nerf so be patient and they will go away.

Reply January 12, 2013 - edited

Cause we r all immature kids playing a game

Reply January 12, 2013 - edited

wat r u doin

Reply January 12, 2013 - edited

stop qqing and being a pssy and juts play the game

Reply January 12, 2013 - edited

i dont believe you

Reply January 12, 2013 - edited