

Rich people have problems too

Dear poor people,

We are people too! Just because we can afford everything, doesn't mean we can't be sad! Sometimes we don't know what to spend our extra money on, we get really bored having to count all the money in our tax free bank accounts, planning out and going to $2 million dollar parties each week, and finding time to play with female co-workers when our wives are away! Stop being mean to us, we don't even know or care what poor people have to go through in life! Poor people only bring us down and they can easily fix it by being rich or making us call a hitman when they rudely speak to us. Never call rich people useless, we have the money to go get the best education and genetics so we can easily justify how greedy and selfish we can be! What do you deserve from us rich people, we barely have to work as hard and we can get all the money we need. Do you know how hard it is to run an oil company without green washing awards from Greenpeace? Or how I have to smell and look at the poopy smelly slum city for 5 seconds when I leave my 2 trillion dollar duplex home to my armored limo. Why don't you poor people fix the world, there's more of you than me and I need to lower the wages and benefits in my Chinese sweatshops because the worthless population keeps growing. Also you middle class people doctor small businessmen things try to be like us the most, you guys are basically crying to becoming like us in the future, command those poor people to make the world better. [b]*Strides away towards my custom jet plane to take 4 month vacation*[/b]

From anonymous rich person

December 21, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first


[quote=EzrealT]Oh your rich?
Oh I'm korean
I'll beat you in anything

You sir, are the absolute worst kind of person.

Reply December 21, 2012

I bet you're laughing so hard at this, aren't you TS?

Reply December 21, 2012

[quote=EzrealT]Oh your rich?
Oh I'm korean
I'll beat you in anything

Yeah, your mother.

Reply December 21, 2012

I did not find this amusing.

Reply December 21, 2012