

College Problems

So I'm an 18 year old student that honestly hates himself right now. I plan to go to the SRJC and I know its a good school, but I feel like I'm disappointing so much of my family. I honestly feel like crying and breaking out because I feel like the biggest piece of crap right now. I feel like I'm letting my family down because I do decent in school but not like on top above average. I'm just a normal student that will fly by with Bs and Cs. I had a 1 on 1 talk with my brother and he talked about how I'm not so serious about this and he's right and I just hate myself for that. How I should've applied to more schools but the deadline has passed. But what made me really want to freaking want to cry was when my sister was face timing her boyfriend to help me register and he said "Don't go to that school" and my sister suddenly started yelling at him saying "Don't say that!" and idk why but that just broke me. Made me feel like a complete idiot for going to this school instead of going to some university.

Sorry for my rant, I just feel like crap...

February 6, 2015

11 Comments • Newest first


Go to community college for 2 years! Cheaper and with motivation you can probably get into a way better school than those high school grades would've gotten you. Good luck!

Reply February 6, 2015

You think applying for college is bad? Wait 'til you GET to college. No, no. Wait 'til you get your first job. </3

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited

Yo the people saying to focus on yourself are right. Trust.

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited

It's not the end of the world. Everything will be fine. Think about what you want and not what other people expect of you.

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited

focus on yourself before you focus on others

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited

college isn't for everyone. You can go to another route.

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited

I hear ya. Felt the same way after graduating high school. I paid little to no attention to college applications because my priorities were messed up at the time. I got accepted into three decent universities but never bothered to register to any of them. To top it all off, I missed the fall deadline for community college so I had to tell my parents I didn't get to start school until the next quarter, all this on my birthday no less! They didn't completely flip out but I can tell they were disappointed in me. I felt like the biggest loser in the world. After a lot of self loathing and criticism, I decided to focus on myself and not what other people around me are doing. I made my bed, now I have to lie in it.

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited

It's alright man, you can always transfer and show those people how wrong they are, but it is all up to you so as someone that's in the same position as you I hope you can turn those emotions of grief and work hard to transfer into a better university and land a job that you enjoy and can make a better living off of than those people.

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited

You can wallow or you can soar, try harder!

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited

then work harder my friend
you're young and beautiful

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited

You can work your butt off in that school and do better in another! (y)

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited