

Golden Richie Event?

Can someone explain this event to me? I know that you have to gather 20 of each letter. But I don't know what to do after that. Do you get like a reward, do you get exp? I don't know, so can go folks of basil explain this to me?

November 26, 2010

10 Comments • Newest first


I think you should try the egg event at 2x should be more egg drops. O_O

Reply November 27, 2010

Last year's event was better, eggs dropped more than this year... Nexon changed the drop rate for this year's event for the letters because in last year's event letters were dropping somewhat like Dark Tokens (which is normal or more)...

Reply November 27, 2010

lol i found like 40 S and yet only 16 E -_-

Reply November 27, 2010

I can never find S.
E is too common -_-

Reply November 26, 2010

LOL pretty much.
And not all the pigs drops eggs so unless you're a really good mobber or a fast killer,
you might as well sell your letters

Reply November 26, 2010

@NycDuMbAzZ: Guess I should sell those things...
Too bad I already used them. ef7

Reply November 26, 2010

Yeah Max amount of eggs I ever got was 4.
All I ever get from the eggs are belts, and summoning sacks.
No chaos/white scrolls.

Reply November 26, 2010

@iamme123: So all that work for 1 minute of bad drop eggs?

Reply November 26, 2010

[quote=xco0kieee]After you get the 20 letters of each, you click that empty compass cassy gave you.
Then you get the real compass with letters in them.
Then you click it and you get sent to a map.
You have 1 minute to kill as many pigs you see and pick up the eggs they drop.
Then you click the eggs and get a random reward.[/quote]

I only have 1 minute from all that work?

Reply November 26, 2010

After you get the 20 letters of each, you click that empty compass cassy gave you.
Then you get the real compass with letters in them.
Then you click it and you get sent to a map.
You have 1 minute to kill as many pigs you see and pick up the eggs they drop.
Then you click the eggs and get a random reward.

Reply November 26, 2010