

One day before Big Bang and everything goes wrong

So i was playing maple like I occasionaly do and I was preparing all my accounts for big bang and was planning to just afk a couple accoutns to farm rings... one minute im in Leafre then BAM my screen gets all these red lines running in every direction. I run some tests and it turns out my video card or w.e blew out due to old age and since this is the only comp in the house I am done because its ganna take 2-3 weeks plus to get a new one.

So much for experience big bang for the first time with everyone
So much for the awesome big bang ring
and So much for being one of the first maplers in cosmo...

December 6, 2010

5 Comments • Newest first


this happen to me once but when arans came out.

Reply December 6, 2010

@ssjfulkon198 i already checked i live in a small town and theres really only one store and they were out

Reply December 6, 2010

@lukyluke304 im using my OLD OLD OLD OLD OLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDD laptop which cant run maple cause it is too slow
@setget ya i have to order a new one cause i cant find another of my comp type

Reply December 6, 2010

buy a new video card? is it that you cant find one so you have to order or is it because you dont have enough money?

Reply December 6, 2010

Sucks man same with my computer

Reply December 6, 2010