

I dont have flash yet

That's right im only lvl 6 and I am in a lvl 12-15 game fill with people who uses runes. My team told me i'm noob for not getting flash but I told them I don't know how. They ask me why I am in a lvl 15 game and I told them that I was from DotA.

January 6, 2013

6 Comments • Newest first


[quote=MrPebbles]Best combo for any carry or anti carry = Heal+Flash or Heal+Ghost[/quote]

actually it's flash and ignite for quick on getting fed

Reply January 7, 2013

its a waste of ip to buy runes before level 20.

if youre as good as you say you are then you shouldnt have problems. level 15 games are jokes anyways.

Reply January 7, 2013

[quote=darkorbit6]@goldyboi if you're good (as you say you are), why are you complaining about the complainers?[/quote]

I forgot to mention that I have experience from another game which puts me before some people who are new to this type of moba. The problem is smurfs or people like myself who somehow manage to endure the same problem I have up to that lvl which is around 12-15.

Reply January 7, 2013

Ghost is better than Flash if you play a tanky carry.

The 600,000,000 Flash nerfs almost make the spell nonviable.

Reply January 7, 2013

[quote=PatuChibi]You're only six...

Are you serious? o.o[/quote]

I am quite serious to the fact that it is pretty hard to get back into a lvl 6 game when you're this good.

Reply January 6, 2013