
A question for one of the many events o-o

"New World Event [12.07.2010 - 12.29.2010]
The Big Bang update is so big that we needed new worlds to contain it. During this event users who level on the new servers will receive special gifts.

• Users in the new world who makes a 1st job advancement will receive 100,000 mesos after completing the quest given by Teo.
• Users in the new world who makes a 2nd job advancement will receive 200,000 mesos after completing the quest given by Teo.
• Users who persevere and make it to level 70 within the event time will receive a special bandana to commemorate the event. (STR +18, DEX +18, INT +18, LUK +18, Weapon DEF +180, Magic DEF +180, Accuracy +25, Avoidability +25, and Hands +10.)"

That last bullet - the bandana - says you must get to level 70; would you still receive the bandana on a Cygnus Knight? Or must you be an Adventurer?

December 7, 2010

3 Comments • Newest first


Thank you everyone

Reply December 7, 2010

Just get a character, any class you wish to play, to level 70 in either El Nido or Zenith.

Reply December 7, 2010

It doesn't matter what job you are, as long as you get to level 70.

Reply December 7, 2010