

What to cube first with 25k nx?

Well I'm finally starting to cube my equips so I was wondering, what should I start with?
Bottom - 3% luk 3 L atm
Earrings - 6% luk 3L
Specs - 0 L 0%
Shoe- 4% 2L
Belt- 4%L 2L

May 2, 2012

13 Comments • Newest first


Okay thanks, I won't go and cube anymore I'll look into purchasing goods. Plenty of people buy NX in my alliance so I'll just find someone to sell it to or i'll save it up and start doing some merchanting. Thanks

Reply May 3, 2012

@juarmo: duped AND stolen goods. that include newly stolen Blood Blossom katara >.<

Reply May 3, 2012

[quote=Snowbunnix3]Most of the scrolled/ee'd items that are WORTH buying are most likely STOLEN and I don't support that, along with those VSS and what not.[/quote]

NO! Most of the scrolled/ee'd items that are WORTH buying are most likely DUPED, not STOLEN. big difference

Reply May 3, 2012

Most of the scrolled/ee'd items that are WORTH buying are most likely STOLEN and I don't support that, along with those VSS and what not.

Reply May 3, 2012

Self cubing is rarely more profitable than buying pre-cubed items.
Especially with today's market.
Side note: Don't cube the 2nd tier stuff.

Reply May 3, 2012

@Demon671: Well... that's always scary. I've had my fair share of being scammed o.o

Reply May 3, 2012

[quote=Snowbunnix3]I'm thinking you should go and....
1. Get a zhelm
2. Karma it
3. Sell
4. Buy an epic potential scroll
5. Then use and cube your specs if needed =][/quote]

Find a NX buyer Sell NX at your worlds rate.
Then buy a epic pot scroll for everything and start from there.

Reply May 3, 2012

buy something thats for a common class, cube dat thing, once u get good stats for your class(or another then sell) keep.

Reply May 3, 2012

I'm thinking you should go and....
1. Get a zhelm
2. Karma it
3. Sell
4. Buy an epic potential scroll
5. Then use and cube your specs if needed =]

Reply May 3, 2012

Well It kinda depends on what the potential is on your other equips. If your shoes have 2 lines and 2% luk and your specs have 3 lines and 0% luk, then you would go and cube your specs first if you want to be stronger right away. If we knew what those 4 items of yours were, it would be easier to help you out.

Reply May 2, 2012

@iAmJokerz Well, Currently I only have about 20% Luk. My Earrings are already 6% Luk and I have 0 idea what I should be cubing first out of the equips mentioned above to achieve the maximum benefit. Someone said earrings are the easiest to get % luk from but idk thanks!

Reply May 2, 2012

It would be useful if you were more specific.

Reply May 2, 2012