
Are phantom canes 2h or 1h

Can anyone confirm if they're 2H or 1H. I need to know before I buy 150 20%s

April 22, 2012

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=alctern]Phantoms are one-handed.[/quote]

You might want to make sense. No offense for correcting you, but to let you be aware of your mistake to reduce your chance of making the same one in future times and events, You should have said "Phantom canes are one-handed." instead of "Phantom is one-handed." People would actually mistake reading from your post that the character Phantom literally has only one hand.

Reply May 13, 2012

[quote=Youngbin]they are 1handed, as cards are used in the "Shield" slot.[/quote]

although yes they are 1h, your reasoning is un reliable, seeing how mercedes arrows are in the "shield spot" and bowguns are 2h
Also, yes its obvious DUAL bowgun would imply 2h, but 2h swords and axes render that idea moot as well

Reply April 30, 2012