

North Korea in a nutshell

North Korea is basically one overgrown school bully yelling and screaming until he gets his lollipop. The only reason that Kim Jung Il is still in power is because the NWO uses NK as a testing ground for mass mind control projects including concentration camps/starvation that would have Hitler saying "too cruel". How else could the NWO have such an amazing testing ground for mind control if NK was a constitution republic where each citizen had protected god given natural rights? Kim Jung Il is a puppet for the NWO. He agreed to execute his father with the CIA after Carter worked out a peace deal with his father.

Since then Kim Jung Il launches a new Long Duck Dong missile whenever Rockefeller/Rothschild authorize it. The North Korean people have rampant cannibalism on the streets.

There is noelectricity or running water in over 99.999% of the land.

Just imagine this...

It is worse than Gaza.

One of the North Koreans who was born in a concentration camp talked about how his mother was rewarded for inventing stories about him not obeying the state's rules by getting an extra morsel of food or by not being beaten rugularly (as is the norm). It is straight out of Tavistock conducting experiments that break all natural binds between a mother and her child using coersion, pavlovian rewards systems, surveillance, and group think/Delphi motivation.

These studies are reviewed and done for the NWO masters. Just take the Bilderberger Governor Bill Richardson who is a regular guest of Kim Jung Il. Why does a Bilderberg member from a supposed enemy state get Carte Blanche treatment at this concentration camp country? What a coincidence.

The entire country is one big fricking MK Ultra experiment.

November 18, 2012

10 Comments • Newest first


[quote=screwriod]Yeah i agreed with you bro North korean prison guards are brainwashed by the warden to think prisoners are like animals not human beings[/quote]

Yes I know how you feel. I was locked up in America because of the Freedom of Information Act-- and I didn't get my information. i was going to release secret documents to the publics-- but the Pentagon Goons got me before i did. LOST ALL FILES. DEATH TO GLOBAL ELITSTS

Reply November 20, 2012

Yeah i agreed with you bro North korean prison guards are brainwashed by the warden to think prisoners are like animals not human beings

Reply November 18, 2012

Oh jeeze. Not another one of these...

Reply November 18, 2012

Simple solution: Nuke the place.

Reply November 18, 2012

Like I'm gonna listen to a talking tomato.

Reply November 18, 2012

[quote=mrcolorado]whats NWO[/quote]

New World Order, the illuminati.

Reply November 18, 2012

[quote=Wintermelon]kim jung il is dead. what[/quote]

You thought Hitler died at 1945. He actually died in 1978 when he was living in the Arctic Base along with his wife. It's all a lie-- he never died-- a duplicate died for the Fuhrer.

Reply November 18, 2012

kim jung il is dead. what

Reply November 18, 2012

It's all a conspriacy for the global elistist to brainwash us into killing the lower and middle class people,

Reply November 18, 2012