
Grrr give it to me straight

I have a CLEAN (5 slots left) Black Gaia Cape with 2L rare potential,: 2% dex and 35 maxHP with a BONUS potential of 6 attack.
I've been asking around and even asked here on basil how much it's worth and I've gotten answers ranging from 15m-200m and I have it posted for sale here on basil for 140m and someone said I'm insane if I think I'll get that much for it.
But why? I've seen other capes with lesser attack and 0 slots sold for 100m, so I know it has to be at least 100m because it has 6 attack and it's CLEAN meaning that's 6 attack + whatever else you scroll it with 5 times, and then 2 more if you hammer it.

So give it to me straight, how much could I sell it for?/What's it worth?

January 23, 2013

6 Comments • Newest first


Oh, alright. Thanks everyone!

Reply January 23, 2013

I would sell that for like 5m

Reply January 23, 2013

@Wush SOLD! lol jk D:

@slumplum Ohhh right I completely forgot about the heliseum cape drops and the tempest shop.
Isn't there a scroll that adds attack to capes? So then you could get a lot more attack on it that way?

Reply January 23, 2013

like 50m-100m id say. Just kidding, it's more between 15-200m

Reply January 23, 2013

15m. 30m if your lucky. +att additional potential isnt worth much

Reply January 23, 2013

Its only worth like 15m.

Reply January 23, 2013