

I have to perform a monologue

I'm in grade eleven drama at school, and part of the curriculum is that I have to perform a monologue at the end of the semester. It has to be an original piece of writing. I'm really into poetry and plan to write my own poem and reciting it. However, I've never recited my own poetry. Anyone have tips for developing my own style, etc.? This is really stressin me out. I feel nauseas when I think about it.

Before you insult me, please understand I've been diagnosed with extreme anxiety. I know, why would I take drama? Because my New Years resolution is to not let it interfere with my life like I've let it. So I want to get out of my comfort zone.

Tips and help on performing the poem and performing (for the drama department, so 150 people or so) would be appreciated.

February 6, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first


Is this more about your anxiety or about your writing style?

In any case, there are a number of ways to overcome anxiety. Some people like to imagine the audience naked (for whatever reason that apparently works), and some people just have weird tactics. I used to get pretty nervous as well. But then I realized that even if i screw up, they'll forget about me in an hour anyways. So with that in mind, it became my duty to make it so that they would not forget me in an hour (by presenting even better, not by screwing up worse).

I know this is kinda vague, but I'm too tired to elaborate at this time. It worked for me, maybe it will work for you.

Reply February 6, 2013

@lolmigy: I'm going to college and I have my necessary credits to apply for my program already so I want to try something new.

Reply February 6, 2013

Would any respectable universities really even give a damn if you fail drama? I'd advise just bunking that class and using your time for courses that actually deserve prioritization.

Reply February 6, 2013 - edited