

Contraception isnt enough

Contraception is not enough to prevent overpopulation.

Castration is the answer. Overpopulation cannot happen under castration. If all humans are castrated, this primal desire will be eliminated and we can live in a perfect, peaceful, and happy utopia. We do it to dogs and cats, why not ourselves? Aggression is barely present in castrated animals, so it's safe to believe that the same positive effects will result if we do this to ourselves.

To ensure that our species does not go extinct, we will take tons and tons of reproductive cell samples and store them somewhere safe. But we will not make seven billion new humans at once to replace ourselves. We will try to lower the population to around 100-200 million or so in the end. If the supply of reproductive cells is running low, then we can wait to castrate a generation until they reach puberty. When they are castrated, new reproductive cells will be extracted for future generations to exist.

Thank you for reading my views on contraception and castration. Please discuss in the comments section below.

February 13, 2013

5 Comments • Newest first


castration does not mean cutting your balls off it means cutting your deeck just look it up on google

Reply February 13, 2013

@TurtleLumi Okay, but not too many turtles. We don't want turtles to overpopulate the planet

@somebox IDK what you are saying

@MatthewDough But that won't fix the vices, aggression, and violence of society

@xcoldshadowx That's not enough people. We need to do it to everybody

Reply February 13, 2013 - edited

Rather than castrate everyone why not just do it to an unhealthy group that the world would be better off without? A world free of atheists would be a much better place to live in.

Reply February 13, 2013 - edited

Or just stop having sex a lot...?

Reply February 13, 2013 - edited

@captcrunch96 I'm planning to get myself fixed when I turn 18. I don't think it's legal for minors right now...

@Rationale But that doesn't fix aggression and violence.

Reply February 13, 2013 - edited