

Illusion Step

Ok i've decided to main a marksman and play a bowmaster along side as well. I used to play a shadower before this though. I see illusion step says increases avoid by percent instead of like shadow shifter where it says dodge chance by percent. I currently have no points in this skill yet since i've recently gotten to 4th job and am saving that for later but i was under the impression for some reason (cant remember if someone told me this or if it used to be this way) that illusion step worked in the same way as shadow shifter. Does this skill increase dodge or just avoid and when it works does it show some animation like shifter does?

August 19, 2014

10 Comments • Newest first


[quote=IfIMust]@VietUA I appreciate the answer. I won't be putting points in it till later. I was just curious as to how it worked in comparison to shifter.
For the bowmaster what's your recommendation on which order to max the 4th job skills? I've been googling post red guides and can't seem to find any updated ones besides ayumilove which I was told I shouldn't use.[/quote]

I'm honestly not too sure myself since training has went from LHC --> Evo --> RJPQ, but I'm pretty sure this is how things should work?:

1 Point in All Attacks
Max Bow Expert
Max Advanced Final Attack
Max Arrow Blaster
Max Armor Break <-- Only reason is if you can't solo DIPQ, Hold off till later if possible (Even then, Mortal Blow should be able to save you)
Max Sharp Eyes
Max Illusion Step
Max Arrow Stream
Max Binding Shot

Reply August 20, 2014

Illusion Step is Dodge Rate. Most Dodge Rate skills consist of an animation and your character F2ing. Evasion Boost would increase your Evasion Rate (another hidden Avoid stat). Katara Expert would increase your % Avoidability (i.e. 5000 Avoid * 1.15x = 5750 Avoid).

Reply August 19, 2014

[quote=timeflyerz]It does work the same as shifter. The only slight difference is that with illusion step, if you dodge your maple character smiles, with shadow shifter there's an animation. But as stated above, don't go about maxing it before the other necessary skills [/quote]

Illusion Step has an animation as well. The Illusion symbol will flash on your body and you will smile.

Reply August 19, 2014

It does work the same as shifter. The only slight difference is that with illusion step, if you dodge your maple character smiles, with shadow shifter there's an animation. But as stated above, don't go about maxing it before the other necessary skills

Reply August 19, 2014

[quote=bluebomber24] does work the same as shifter[/quote]
Oh wow, really?
I swear before it used to multiply with your current avoid so it barely gave a boost.
Well, I'm dumb.

Reply August 19, 2014

[quote=okaythen]It doesn't work the same as shifter, I know that much.

As for a 4th job build, just max expert, marksmanship and arrow stream first.
From there you can put on either SE/AFA.
Then blaster and armour break, etc.[/quote] does work the same as shifter

Reply August 19, 2014

It doesn't work the same as shifter, I know that much.

As for a 4th job build, just max expert, marksmanship and arrow stream first.
From there you can put on either SE/AFA.
Then blaster and armour break, etc.

Reply August 19, 2014

@VietUA I appreciate the answer. I won't be putting points in it till later. I was just curious as to how it worked in comparison to shifter.
For the bowmaster what's your recommendation on which order to max the 4th job skills? I've been googling post red guides and can't seem to find any updated ones besides ayumilove which I was told I shouldn't use.

Reply August 19, 2014

I'm not sure how things work out statistically, but it does work somewhat like Shadow Shifter. It has a chance to cast an animation similar to that of the cast. It's great for training, despite having drain arrows. Don't bother maxing out too early since you'll be at (most presumably) R&JPQ where Arrow Blaster would be more effective.

Reply August 19, 2014