

Dreams I had today

My first dream I remember is where I had a clone and I had a gun and we were in the park and I thought to myself, "I wonder how my face would look when id die". And so I shot my clone one time in the head, he didn't die, I shot him a second time, he didn't die, I shot him some more times and aventualy he fell and I was like, " hmm, so that's how it'll be like...". The problem is, my clone was smiling after he fell! And not just a little smile, I'm talking about this troll face kind of smile! And I was like, " Nooooo, that's no fair, why must he smile like a goof and not die like a normal dude!"
My second dreams was like in school and we were in class and then suddenly in the library and I remember this girl with long blond hair and for some reason we I shaked her hand and hugged her while she's saying "you need to learn how to hug (while smiling at me or something)" and then she turned around to put something in her bag and that's all I can remember I guess... Oh and I remember she was taken. WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEANS?

September 18, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


When I wake up from a dream...

Reply September 18, 2013

In my dream, there was this crazy lady that stole a buncha stuff from a mall nearby via a gun, and then (For some reason) held me 'n my brothers hostage. If any sign of the police were to come, we'd have each been shot.
I ran out of the house when I got the chance, and pulled out my cell phone (Which was a clunky like.. first-edition cell phone from 30 years ago..) and called the PoPo- just I had to tell them no sirens, and no nothing. Then they came in sirens full-blasting (My stupid alarm clock) and got my brothers shot.
Needless to say, never call the police in a situation like that.

Reply September 18, 2013

In my last dream I was being chased by a bunch of 3 year olds in some mansion near my house, I remember jumping on the roof and attaching myself to it like spiderman and one of the kids did a jump flip then kicked me in the chest.

Reply September 18, 2013