
Good or bad buy?

Hey sorry for adding another one of these annoying threads but I just bought a dragonoir familiar for 1bil. Was wondering if I made a good deal or not?

October 15, 2012

3 Comments • Newest first


@tknguyen30 why waste your money on chairs or other non damage related things? It's just another thing people do. I collect familiars part time just as a hobby. If you can afford it then why not?
@Nhil mk tyvm

Reply October 15, 2012

Good deal if you're one of those few familiar collectors.
Bad deal if you're anyone else.

Reply October 15, 2012

@Bowser994 and @AnmolxD (hi btw ) how badly do you think I was ripped? I was under the impression they wre like 1.5+? After all it's one of the rare"er" ones like coco. And I sold my coco for 1.5

Reply October 15, 2012