
P/c on Crying Mask in Broa?

Hey, could anyone give me a P/C on a Crying Mask (+3 jump underavg) and 7 slots clean? Thanks

November 3, 2012

6 Comments • Newest first


I would suggest you have some mesos on you, and if you have a shop, try and get offers on it. If someone does offer over max mesos, what should happen is the person puts up max mesos with an item worth approx. the remaining amount of mesos they need to pay. You then trade them your item for their mesos and item, and so the person pays the remaining amount to get their item back. But yeah... try and get offers first. But dont wait too long, as prices are going down.

Reply November 3, 2012

Ok, thanks for the help you guys. Could anyone tell me how much 1 white scroll is worth? (In case it is more than 2.1bil)

Reply November 3, 2012

Max is 2,147,483,647, not 2.4.

Reply November 3, 2012

Its only worth around 1-2bil, their guess is WAY off

Reply November 3, 2012

[quote=Cyanight]5bil? Just making a guess. I would guess somewhere from 3-5bil though.[/quote]

Wow, seriously?... How would one go about to pay for that? Isn't the max 2.4b?

Reply November 3, 2012

5bil? Just making a guess. I would guess somewhere from 3-5bil though.

Reply November 3, 2012