GMS Bello DB HerbalAbuse Czak Solo


My Db czak solo

For some reason it wont let me add it to my videos...
So ill upload it here, 2nd video i've made so far
let me know how it is

November 9, 2012

29 Comments • Newest first


@WeedBucc: yeah takes me around 25 minutes. I hit like 700-800k crits on FC on the instructors and empress herself, if you do around that damage you will be fine.

Reply November 12, 2012

@shanlan: wow thanks man for all that info should help alot !

Reply November 12, 2012

@shanlan: " Always stay on the right side of her. She will not use the flame when she's facing left."

But if you stay on her right side (> ) won't she be facing the right side as well?

Are you sure you don't mean her left side (< )?

Reply November 12, 2012 - edited

[quote=WeedBucc]@janny1993: Do i need to finish all the questing in future hene? and how many fillers does it require?[/quote]

3 fillers level 170+

And it's not necessary to finish all the quest, you just need to finish a certain quest to get the dream key.
You can try google it up.

Reply November 12, 2012 - edited

@janny1993: Do i need to finish all the questing in future hene? and how many fillers does it require?

Reply November 12, 2012 - edited

[quote=WeedBucc]@janny1993: lmao and witch way is the easy way to learn?[/quote]

Well watching the video helps you get a little idea of what the Instructor is capable about so it will be easier in the actual run but experience is what helps you most in the long run.

So I suggest you go attempt to solo as many time as possible and you'll get used to it eventually.
Just like how I died so many times when I go to Von Leon the first few times but now I rarely die at all, except when I get potential lock, I die intentionally.

Reply November 12, 2012 - edited

@janny1993: lmao and witch way is the easy way to learn?

Reply November 12, 2012 - edited

[quote=WeedBucc]@janny1993: how do i learn there attack patterns without dieing? because i know some of them suduce[/quote]

You have to die to learn xD

Experience is your best teacher.

This is what my friend told me, there is a 100% chance of dying in your first attempt, LOL.

Or you can watch people solo the Instructor at YouTube if you want to learn without dying

Reply November 12, 2012 - edited

@janny1993: how do i learn there attack patterns without dieing? because i know some of them suduce

Reply November 12, 2012 - edited

[quote=WeedBucc]I havent had a attempt to do it yet can you do it?[/quote]

It should be possible to solo the Instructor with your range (although I had no idea what your range is) as long as you know the ins and outs of their attack pattern.
Hitting higher damage helps but not necessarily, a dead man can't deal no damage xD

Learning the attack pattern of Cygnus and her Instructor comes first before damage.

Reply November 12, 2012 - edited

[quote=lolimshort]you have like near exact the same damage as me xD Id make videos but I have the worst upload speed and rather not lag my internet for 2 days uploading -.-
nice job do empress instructor solo video[/quote]
I havent had a attempt to do it yet can you do it?

Reply November 12, 2012 - edited

you have like near exact the same damage as me xD Id make videos but I have the worst upload speed and rather not lag my internet for 2 days uploading -.-
nice job do empress instructor solo video

Reply November 12, 2012 - edited

[quote=Dhino]great music too ![/quote]
Thank you~

Reply November 12, 2012 - edited

[quote=Demon671]I really hate when people go "Duped Equips not cool". I understand where people do come from but at the same time just keep negativity to yourself. The best end game gear are almost always duped gear unless your a die hard fool to spend countless more money to get even close to what you could end up paying to get the end game gear. This comes from experience I have been through and just got fed up with it and went with the flow of things now.[/quote]

ye true this is how i got funded bought 38 atk vss for 6.9knx from mts and 16k nx for 30atk rac mask, helped increased my range <3
replaced my 3% luk shoe and clean specs.

Reply November 10, 2012 - edited

great music too !

Reply November 10, 2012 - edited

[quote=iTzxPascal]wat is ur range /%luk/%boss xD[/quote]
Ill make a equip video soon enough so keep updated on my channel

Reply November 10, 2012 - edited

You have inspired me to make my own videos. <3 <3 <3
Great job, keep up the good work.

Reply November 10, 2012 - edited

whats the song? me like

Reply November 10, 2012 - edited

[quote=OneRockGod]My DB only gets hit by unavoidable things like aswan and DR. I have never been hit by a single regular hit since Mutiny.

OT: nice video, except song choice (imo). I hate whatever that is called. It's over used. I hope youre not using any duped equips tho, or else I take back that it's a nice video.[/quote]I really hate when people go "Duped Equips not cool". I understand where people do come from but at the same time just keep negativity to yourself. The best end game gear are almost always duped gear unless your a die hard fool to spend countless more money to get even close to what you could end up paying to get the end game gear. This comes from experience I have been through and just got fed up with it and went with the flow of things now.

Reply November 10, 2012 - edited

[quote=WeedBucc]Thanks guys
Any requests on Videos i should make?[/quote]

I have 1, go solo Cygnus

Reply November 10, 2012 - edited

Thanks guys
Any requests on Videos i should make?

Reply November 10, 2012 - edited

@FinalFate: I mean with bosses who have those seduce type skills we can still get killed. Even in azwan

Reply November 10, 2012 - edited

[quote=FinalFate]Dualblade's have a high dodge rate so we never seem to get hit at all. Getting hit is very rare for me as well even without my dodge rate from skills maxed.
Forgot to say, avoidability doesn't really matter that much to us I guess is what I'm trying to say.[/quote]

We can still get hit though.

Reply November 10, 2012 - edited

very nice

Reply November 10, 2012 - edited

Make it wide screen

Reply November 10, 2012 - edited

whats your range? O:

Reply November 10, 2012 - edited

[quote=m4qbex]good job. mind posting equip stats?[/quote]
yeah ill be making a equip video soon so keep updated on my vids

Reply November 9, 2012 - edited

good job. mind posting equip stats?

Reply November 9, 2012 - edited