

Riven or Xin Zhao

I would like to hear your opinions on each, positive and negative. Which do you prefer?

February 15, 2013

10 Comments • Newest first


I kinda like Xin Zhao a bit more
He's great in the jungle, great in top lane, decent in bot lane, and hey, you can even go ap and go mid.
Riven is cool but she has almost no range on her abilities, which isn't the only thing that I don't like about her.
She's also a bit weaker after the recent patch.
And also, as people have been saying before, you can kind of just jump into a group of enemies, mash buttons, get some kills, and survive.

Reply February 15, 2013

[quote=darkorbit6]Xin Zhao can be OP in game with just a black cleaver, his only flaw is that he can only focus down one champion hard and let the other four do as they please after being ult'd on. However, the nerf makes the future xin kind of unpredictable.

Riven can be OP after she gets like 2/3 of her build, but can pretty much can handle teamfights much better than xin, since her skills has everything a AD Bruiser needs in a teamfight. However, her early game sucks horribly.

So Xin if you think you're some hotshot, and Riven for teh skillz.[/quote]

What Riven is amazing early game. Not so much at level 1. But at level 2~3 depending on what skills you get she's so great. If you use your skills properly you can virtually take no damage at all during trades and not only that she does a crapload of damage. But if you can't use you don't use them properly it's really hard to keep up since Riven has like no sustain.

OT: I haven't tried Xin yet but Riven is my most used champion as of right now. If you take the time to learn Riven she's a really great champ. Xin from experiencing laning against him is really good as well. He has some pretty good CC.

Reply February 15, 2013 - edited

[quote=dcp88]Xin Zhao just got nerfed and Riven got buffed a lil.[/quote]

where's the nerf?

Reply February 15, 2013 - edited

Xin is best.

Reply February 15, 2013 - edited

Riven - Play her if you have a capable skill at top lane, she is very strong if she get some advantage early game.

Xin - He is nowhere as release Xin... still an op jungler tho, get him if you want some free elo at ranked right now, otherwise he is going to be nerfed next match and nobody know how hard the nerf will affect to him.

Reply February 15, 2013 - edited

Riven if you're a good player, Xin if you're not

Reply February 15, 2013 - edited

[url=]Win Nhao all the way.[/url]

Reply February 15, 2013 - edited


Reply February 15, 2013 - edited

i find xin more fun honestly. the feels when you rush to an enemy with a dash then knock him airborne and use your ult so it's just you and him. a fight to the death. even better when they're squishy

Reply February 15, 2013 - edited

riven - more stratagies, constant bursts in fights, mobile, strong late game if fed

xin - fight to the death, no escape, "all in" champ, op af if slightly fed

Reply February 15, 2013 - edited