Zenith Guild recruitment

Since there is no Nova world, i'll be moving to Zenith, and will be making a guild there. All i need now are members.

My irl friends and i have already saved our names and whatnot, but we would like as many possible members as possible.
So please post your IGNs as follows

IGN / possible class / time zone

Current members:
DrImmortal / Shadower / PST
Eqnx / F.P mage / PST
(N/A) / Hero / PST
TheByte / Hero / PST

Requirements - Friendly
Preferably active
no spamming or immaturity
JRs will be selected as seen fit.

As for name, we're willing to take all suggestions and comments
We are currently thinking of either "Time", "Lite", or "BestOfZenith"

well, GPQ will probably come later, cause most of the people will most likely be trying hard to level up
THAT is gonna be First nature lo

December 7, 2010

8 Comments • Newest first


IGN: ZeniSair
Job: Corsair
Basil Ign: Ascend

Add me to the guild, and I guarantee it'll be worth it

Reply December 8, 2010

[quote=taeo]I'm gonna make a Slinger again, just because they're really fun...so...should I message you when I create a character tomorrow?
Time: PST[/quote]

Ofcourse when you get on tomorrow feel free to pm me the name

Reply December 7, 2010

I'm gonna make a Slinger again, just because they're really fun...so...should I message you when I create a character tomorrow?
Time: PST

Reply December 7, 2010 - edited

[quote=Ignis]wait, so is that a yes or no to the GPQ thing?[/quote]

Ahh not at all if the people really want to GPQ then there shall be GPQ xD

Reply December 7, 2010 - edited

[quote=antidork]lol im making a corsair again in the new world just cant give up the pirate class[/quote]

Corsairs will be great too but does that mean you dislike all the other new classes that are coming out?

Reply December 7, 2010 - edited

Why would anyone GPQ it's so boring...

Reply December 7, 2010 - edited

[quote=Ignis]wait, my bro has 1 more condition, he wants to be able to go GPQ o.o[/quote]

well the fact is, GPQ will be a lifestyle for our guild, some could even say it will be second to nature lol

Reply December 7, 2010 - edited

[quote=Ignis]I have a few friends (after our Nova guild idea got burned) would like to discuss merging of guild with you
at the moment I'm sure of my future name

LittleGaia / paladin / PST

erm, please reply as my friends and I have a few conditions
thank you[/quote]

Email me at lizard_93_779 at hotmail.com so we can work something out

Reply December 7, 2010 - edited