

Do you like missing school?

I just missed school today because I was really sick, and for some reason I wasn't happy that I missed school like when I was in Elementary or Middle School. Now that I am in highschool it's such a hassle to go to all six teachers, ask for the homework, notes, what's coming up, etc. I don't know why but it's seems like a lot and I end up worrying about something random that will pop up the next day. I'm so weird, I guess that's how nerds are .

What are your thoughts on missing school?

February 13, 2013

10 Comments • Newest first


It's not even a hassle if you pay attention, pick a day where there's no assignments, no test, and no quizzes.

Just miss a review day if you don't need it, simple.

Reply February 13, 2013

Yeah it's a big hassle to miss all that stuff. Might as well go to class sick and just passout in class

Reply February 13, 2013

I don't even care. I'm a Senior in highschool, like until I go to college, I don't give a darn anymore.

Reply February 13, 2013

Wrong section.

Reply February 13, 2013

yea its a pain to find out the assignments

Reply February 13, 2013

Anyone notice I was?
or having to go through the hassle of learning something I missed. ;(...
scared of failing a test/ quiz because of that.
So.. even when I'm really sick (not just the normal cough and cold) I go to school ;(..
Atleast I end up getting the attendance award lol.

Reply February 13, 2013

Wait until you get to college. You pay for that and if you fail the class, spend more $$.

Reply February 13, 2013

"Now that I am in highschool it's such a hassle to go to all six teachers, ask for the homework, notes, what's coming up, etc. "

you missed ONE DAY you pawn

Reply February 13, 2013

Know how you feel bro
There's no point in missing school since you'll have to spend time doing the stuff you missed anyway, maybe even extra since you don't have the teacher there to help you.

Reply February 13, 2013

inb4 wrong section

Reply February 13, 2013