

Special Mastery Books Expire?

Since when does Special Mastery books expire? It says i have 1 month to use my "sword expert 30", jett books did not expire... Edit: Im talking about the 3rd job advancement books, i have no idea if the 120 job advancement books expire

September 8, 2012

3 Comments • Newest first


for the event you must use before that time

Reply September 9, 2012

It's always been like this, usually special mastery books expires ("cough" legends event "cough&quot. It's just that ever since Alliance unbound, they start to give away permanent special mastery books.

I was a bit taken back by this too though, since now I actually have to train on mihile... >.< Oh well, at least this time we get two books <3

Reply September 9, 2012

The 120 books expire in 30 days as well. I don't see that as being such a big deal I got to 120 in a couple of days. Shouldn't be to hard to do that in a month. 123 to use those mastery books though.

Reply September 8, 2012