
Quick Question About Royal Hair Styles

Hello Basilers!
I have a question concerning Royal Hair styles:
Do the styles that you can get change after a certain interval of time? I was thinking about it because I want to have some nice hair for my Angelic Buster.
Thank you.

December 31, 2012

3 Comments • Newest first


[quote=EpicAison]they do change, but only like 1 or 2. and nexon would post on their website if the styles does change. usually nexon add horrible hair styles to the royal hair collections tho[/quote]

Lol this. I remember when Royal Face coupons first came out and all it had were 5 faces, 4/5 which were decent in my eyes.

Reply December 31, 2012

[quote=Anson123]Alrighty, so I opened the preview in the Cash Shop that Nexon provides and it gives me a preview of the current Royal styles I can get. Does that set ever change so that there are different styles than from before?[/quote]

Yes, those will cycle through. Sometimes the style pool is good and sometimes it's bad.
Best to royal when the current cycle has more good looks than bad~

Reply December 31, 2012

Alrighty, so I opened the preview in the Cash Shop that Nexon provides and it gives me a preview of the current Royal styles I can get. Does that set ever change so that there are different styles than from before?

Reply December 31, 2012