
Which empress weapon to perfect?

So I'm thinking about buying either an emp katara or an emp 2h sword, and perfecting it with clean slates / 20%s from the tempest shop

My lvl 160 kaiser is using a perfectly azwan-scrolled reverse sword (140 atk).

And my db has a 195 atk dag, but is using a 65 atk katara.

Also, how much does each cost, clean, unpotted?

Please and thank you~

January 14, 2013

5 Comments • Newest first


Just so you know, after 8 20% and 20 10% scrolls my weapon is still at +2. its a lot harder than you think it is.

Reply January 14, 2013

[quote=visualboi312]You're gonna need 400 clean slates and 50 atk scrolls on average. Do you have 10,100 coins?[/quote]

Which tempest guy sells clean slate?

Reply January 14, 2013

@Broccoleh: Empress katara is the only empress that can't be psok'd abyss/loveless katara or even the necro since they can all be psok'd

Reply January 14, 2013

[quote=Yuel]Don't even bother with a empress katara they're complete garbage, if anything get a abyss/loveless katara or even the necro since they can all be psok'd[/quote]

Isn't it that the Empress can be PSoKed, and all the others can't?

Reply January 14, 2013

Don't even bother with a empress katara they're complete garbage, if anything get a abyss/loveless katara or even the necro since they can all be psok'd

Reply January 14, 2013