

Vayne is really really fun Oo

btw this isn't my main account, just trying out vayne and she's amazing O_O

November 3, 2012

13 Comments • Newest first


[quote=TheMapleAzn]IKR TSM IS CRAP...which is why AZF crushed em and NJ SWD crushed em 2-0...[/quote]

yes, TSM is crap, that's why id rather listen to a random basiler spout out his build, rather than go with the guy with the 2400 elo.

Reply November 4, 2012

Level 20.
You played against players who didn't know how to play against Vayne, even if some of them were smurf players.

Vayne isn't played a lot at High ELO because she has to rely on her laning phase to get fed. A good player knows to shut her down before she gets too fed, which is why people don't play her often. That's the risk of playing Vayne.

Reply November 3, 2012

I like your double adc's

Reply November 3, 2012

[quote=zippinbolts]^TSM is bad...

Apen>stronger crit. She deals true damage but not enough to make Apen negligible.[/quote]

TSM is soo bad, which is why they're platinum elo and you're diamond.

Reply November 3, 2012

stop arguing builds, TSM has everything.

Reply November 3, 2012

[quote=zippinbolts]IE is *okay* people stick it on everyone because else does. Also with your build you have 0 Apen.. FIX IT NOW.[/quote]

I was told Vayne didn't need to rush LW because she deals true damage

Reply November 3, 2012

[quote=zippinbolts]-facepalm- In case you need a build, Zerkers, double PD, BT, BC,Angel should be what you are going for. She has enough natural steroid that you only have to care about attack speed.[/quote]

I was told that IE should be an auto get because the passive is too good. I was thinking zerkers, double PD, BT, IE, and GA and if the game lasts long, sell zerkers for a third PD.

Reply November 3, 2012

[quote=zippinbolts]Eh, doesn't really matter too much though. Also how does Jax go 14 something. o.o He's almost borderline broken atm.[/quote]

He was bad at dueling and positioning. Ive beaten him 1v1 a lot because he doesn't know how to deal with vayne. He kept trying to run into a bush so I just E and burst him down.

Reply November 3, 2012

[quote=zippinbolts]Your level 20, what elo? Also, the other team looks kinda incompetent.[/quote]

this isn't my main, and even under 30 you have hidden elo

Reply November 3, 2012

@yumtoast154: People at this elo are terribad

@2lazy2makeaname: I actually called bot because i've been trying to find a new niche ADC to use, but the guy locked in draven and i was like yolo

@zippinbolts: it's up to your support to make sure that you don't get caught, and with good positioning, you don't get caught.

Reply November 3, 2012 - edited

cuz its not your main acc. you have 2 ad carries on your team

and a good jax counters u

Reply November 3, 2012 - edited

I'm more concerned why Jax didn't finish building his boots.

Reply November 3, 2012 - edited

[quote=zippinbolts]Meanwhile Naut spams CC..[/quote]

don't get caught

Reply November 3, 2012 - edited