
Nexon should do this?

So this morning, when I woke up and went to get on Facebook via mobile, I noticed that I was logged off and when I logged back in my account was locked! I Was thinking "wtf"? And I had to re-log via safari in order to get my account unlocked. A message popped up saying someone attempted to log onto my account from Green Bay. I live in Cali so definitely a no-no. Then I was able to change my password to a more complex one and continued my morning with a nice glass of water! :-)

So then I was thinking about Maplestory. What if they did that? I realize you get temporarily banned, if you get your password wrong too many times. But what if it they could take into account where you were logging in? And make you pass a certain test? ie. On Facebook when you log on from somewhere else you have to confirm your ID naming your friends based on only their profile picture! Just a thought that I wanted to share with you guys because I really appreciated what had happened this morning. It made me feel like Facebook was saying "Don't worry bro, I got you. You're safe with me!"

Thanks for reading! Discuss? Give your opinion?
Have a great day!

March 17, 2013

7 Comments • Newest first


facebook also has an option where you can only allow log ins in a specific area. For instance if you live in New York, a person from California can't log into your account even if they know the user/pass. Why didn't Nexon do that? Ionno.

Reply March 17, 2013

Happend to me once except I was on my gmail account and the person who tried to log into my account was somewhere in China. Anyways knowing Nexon they'll probably accidently perma ban your account instead of temp bans.

Reply March 17, 2013

[quote=FloorMagnet]Thanks for reading! Discuss? Give your opinion? [/quote]

There's a ton of things Nexon could do to make Maplestory safer (many of which have been discussed here ad nauseum before: "text back" security (they text you a random number you have to enter each time you log into the game), allowing you to temporarily "lock" your account for a specific length of time, and so on... )

All of these have two things in common:

First, little kids who are so addicted to playing Maplestory don't want to spend all that time typing in security codes or identifying friend's pictures before they can play.
Second, it would cost Nexon MONEY to implement these things, so you know where that's going...

Otherwise, this is a pretty good idea.

Reply March 17, 2013

[quote=Deadly1337]most hackers use proxies anyway, if they can get your login info,i'm sure they can weasel your state/country out of you[/quote]

What are proxies?

Reply March 17, 2013

They already did this though

Reply March 17, 2013

most hackers use proxies anyway, if they can get your login info,i'm sure they can weasel your state/country out of you

Reply March 17, 2013

i dont have a facebook

Reply March 17, 2013