The Shift of Ages Spirit Science 16


December 21st, 2012

[b]Please do not assume what I am going to tell you before you read what I have typed[/b]
With it nearing, I'd like to share my viewpoint of this 'date'

I think we can all agree that the pace at which the human race is obtaining new technologies and changing is accelerating at a faster and faster rate.
I don't think this date has any significance,
but I do think that this time in human history is important
I think that we're just advancing faster than before; and therefore changing
A changing world means the 'end of the world as we know it'

I want your opinion on this 13 minute video:

@cr380rjr: Leap years do not affect the Mayan calendar because it is based on the movement of the stars and galaxies, not the rotation and revolving of the earth
The date [around December 21st, 2012] without the 'prophecies' is significant within itself because of the alignment of the galaxy and the end of a galactical year

October 28, 2012

14 Comments • Newest first


@BobR: Everything levels off
The Western world just can't produce enough offspring to keep up with the manufacturing power

Interdependency is great;
but there is a great imbalance in the world

Reply October 28, 2012

[quote=MeMagicalPie]@BobR: But you forget one thing; that is the Western world.
What of the countries in Asia where education is of the utmost importance?
China and India are always on the frontier of new scientific discoveries
Don't discount the rest of the world[/quote]
All of that is true, but the decline in the Western world has been having very negative effects in the rest of the world also.
The US and Europe are China and India's biggest base of consumers, and as demand in the US has been waning due to the economic crisis here and in Europe, so too has the demand for products from those countries. Already the huge boom in the Chinese economy has been slowing because of the lessening in demand.

And how long will students from other countries be able to come to the US to receive the kind of technical and scientific education they need to go back to their countries and apply what they've learned if the institutions in the US have trouble keeping their doors open?
While education is a far more important priority in Eastern countries, they still come to the US for advanced education programs.
The question would be whether those countries can create equivalent institutions of higher learning before the ones in the US all go bankrupt.

And all of that ignores the effects of planetary climate change on the entire world. The Eastern nations are particularly vulnerable to effects such as sea level changes and rampant drought, not to mention that a lot of them are very dependent on food production in the US, which is having trouble fending off effects of global warming, resulting in lower overall food production to feed the world.

It's a pretty complex, interdependent equation.
I'd like to believe there's hope in the future though.

Reply October 28, 2012

The world better not end before Lady Gaga's new album comes out. This happened last year in May too, when her album came out after the supposed "judgement day."

Reply October 28, 2012

@BobR: But you forget one thing; that is the Western world.
What of the countries in Asia where education is of the utmost importance?
China and India are always on the frontier of new scientific discoveries
Don't discount the rest of the world

Personal gain is one of the barriers to a unified world.
Once we move past that materialistic need, maybe we can have world peace

No one on the planet wants to fight wars and kill people [Generalization]
It's the government who wants personal gains that do it

Well, since 13 families control 95% of the wealth and control the planet, there has to be a change.

I never said there was going to be doom. I said there will be a new beginning. Not necessarily on that date, but around that time. With the global instability, there has to be change to fix it

Reply October 28, 2012

[quote=MeMagicalPie]I think we can all agree that the pace at which the human race is obtaining new technologies and changing is accelerating at a faster and faster rate.
This USED TO be true.
However, the current trend toward "dumbing down" the American culture, the demonizing of the education system and most of all the belittling of Science to the masses probably means we're at the end of that era of technological advance we've experienced previously.

People are no longer going into the sciences, there's no astronaut corps any more, the space program is pretty much at an end and more and more people who can actually afford higher education are instead going into financial professions where the goal is making tons of money, not advancing science and technology.

Thus the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the dreams (or nightmares) of runaway technology which might threaten the future of the human race seem to have faded away. Perhaps it's a "natural governor" on the tendency of the human race for self destruction.

As for the "prophets of doom" type of thing, Mayans, Aztecs, or tinfoil hat religious zealots... nothing can foretell the future.
We've been told "The End Is Near" time after time after time, and the next day the zealots either fade away or go "oops... miscalculated.. the End is Next Week".

Reply October 28, 2012 - edited

nope, not gonna happen
only affect the mayans, not the entire world

Reply October 28, 2012 - edited

oh give it a rest. Every year there's always atleast one lunatic who goes on the news to make everyone panic by the world is going to end -insert date here-.
They said the world would end May 25th I believe im still here

Reply October 28, 2012 - edited

@yesno: Divided, we seek monetary and selfish values
Humans are social; we care for on another
When we work together as a collective whole, we can accomplish anything

Reply October 28, 2012 - edited

@yesno: That's just the thing
Though the world is advancing as a whole,
Everyone has the power to change their own future
If enough people oppose war and work to make sure it doesn't happen, then it will never happen

Reply October 28, 2012 - edited

big party on dec 21/12

Reply October 28, 2012 - edited


Reply October 28, 2012 - edited

People above :
People who did not read anything and immediately assumed the topic

Remember: Assuming makes an ass out of you and me

Reply October 28, 2012 - edited

the bible

Reply October 28, 2012 - edited

do people still believe this crap?

Reply October 28, 2012 - edited