

Good deal for this carabella?

I traded 6 pink scrolls and 200m for a 129 atk 14 str hammered 0 slot unique +15% str +9% atk carabella.
I got the carabella. Was it a good deal?

November 30, 2010

4 Comments • Newest first


I think its a sweet deal assuming u farmed those pink scrolls so u really payed 200m for a very nice carabella, plus, dragon weapons r sexy

Reply December 1, 2010

[quote=LordHybras]Well, the weapon is 129 atk, +6 with one star, which could be done with 2 30%, 4 60%, one 80% enchantment scroll and a 108 atk carabella clean.
All those scrolls would have to pass on a 3 line carabella +5 atk above average, and 3 scrolls would have to fail as well, which I'm assuming are also 30% or 60%. Cubing to three nice unique stats would generally in itself take an insane number of cubes to get, and two hammers with cost 8.5k nx minimum were used as well.
Adding to that is the fact that I farmed those scrolls myself, which means I spent 40 minutes of mapling along with 200m on this sword. If not a endgame weapon, I wouldn't be wrong to say I didn't get ripped, right?[/quote]

The awnser in your own story.

Reply December 1, 2010

[quote=hotsauce226] answered your own question?[/quote]

Well the thing is calculations aren't everything. They're too objective.

Reply December 1, 2010

[quote=Sharpie]129 attack is definitely not end game stuff, even if it is unique with those beast stats. Use it for now and upgrade your other stuff but you for sure want to come back to a new weapon later.
OT: idk but i wouldn't have made that trade.[/quote]

Well, the weapon is 129 atk, +6 with one star, which could be done with 2 30%, 4 60%, one 80% enchantment scroll and a 108 atk carabella clean.
All those scrolls would have to pass on a 3 line carabella +5 atk above average, and 3 scrolls would have to fail as well, which I'm assuming are also 30% or 60%. Cubing to three nice unique stats would generally in itself take an insane number of cubes to get, and two hammers with cost 8.5k nx minimum were used as well.
Adding to that is the fact that I farmed those scrolls myself, which means I spent 40 minutes of mapling along with 200m on this sword. If not a endgame weapon, I wouldn't be wrong to say I didn't get ripped, right?

Reply December 1, 2010