

What is going to happen to my car

I accidentally used the premium unleaded gas instead of the regular unleaded gas by mistake. It's only 7% more expensive but what's the difference between them?

January 7, 2013

9 Comments • Newest first



Reply January 8, 2013

Premium usually has more octane so when it is in the cylinder it takes less pressure to make it burn. It'll be fine, they don't put enough octane to do anything to it. Now if you used jet fuel. You'd be in trouble. =]

However, backwards is not good. If you drive a sports/super car, and you put regular in it. You will ruin your engine, and it will barely be able to even run. However, luckily most gas stations have octane boosters. So you will still be good. =]

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

Premium just burns better, but stick to what the manual of your car says.

Reply January 7, 2013 - edited

Premium will just make your car a bit more "peppy" (more sensitive to when you hit the pedal) and gives a bit more mileage (supposedly). I've also heard that putting in premium will clean out your valves.

Reply January 7, 2013 - edited

I dont even have a car...Screw that. I cant even drive...probably the only junior in my school that cant drive haha. (sad face)

Reply January 7, 2013 - edited

Good job. The next time you drive your car will explode. Have fun.

Reply January 7, 2013 - edited

It's fine if your car takes regular but you put in premium. If it's supposed to take premium but you put in regular even that's fine if it's a couple times but over time I think it might do something. Dunno about cars at all so someone correct me if what I said was wrong.

Reply January 7, 2013 - edited

Because you don't even have a car

Reply January 7, 2013 - edited