Does anyone still have the BL/Guild/Storage Glitch?

I'm just curious who is still experiencing this..

I've heard it's limited to Scania though...

The glitch is as follows:

1. Guild/BL: your guild or BL disappears, and you are unable to chat/view chats from them. After some time, your BL or guild may reappear and will function normally, only to glitch again in a few minutes.

2. Storage: You are unable to open storage at all. This is not a hellban; you can still drop items and trade normally, but the storage is inaccessible.

April 26, 2012

10 Comments • Newest first


It's annoying as hell, not to mention their servers are unstable.

They could have fixed the issue by simply restarting the server during the scheduled server check, but they decided to postpone it for God knows why.

Reply April 26, 2012

i really hate this; because it glitches on my account half the time, i have no idea if someone is trying to chat with me.

plus, occasionally, when i try to bl chat, i would get dc'ed 0_o

Reply April 26, 2012

I get it when I log in, it gets fixed after 2 minutes or something.

Reply April 26, 2012

without bl and guild, maple is like ruined, no more henehoe, no more fmhoe, no more being a hoe

Reply April 26, 2012

I need to fuse on my other character and I can't storage and fuse.

Reply April 26, 2012

My Mushroom shop won't open.

Reply April 26, 2012

[quote=AvalonBlue]Still have it. I really needa transfer stuff to the mule I'm xfering to Galicia before they do the world transfers [/quote]

is this glitch happening for you in scania (that's what it sounds like you're saying, but i just want to double check)? if it's occurring in Galicia, then Nexon's info is wrong :X

Reply April 26, 2012

Still have it. I really needa transfer stuff to the mule I'm xfering to Galicia before they do the world transfers

Reply April 26, 2012

Yea, my BL/Guild just re-glitched after I got dc'ed.

Nexon said they have fixed it already, but I have yet to see any improvement since over the weekend =(

Reply April 26, 2012