

On the off chance I reserved an Ign you want

I'm going into hibernation after I finish my current auctions*. While documenting my stats and so forth -- in case even more of my stuff gets deleted for no reason -- I noticed that I had about a dozen reserved IGNs**. Feel free to PM me if you want to make a new character but were deterred by the unavailability of a particular IGN -- it's highly, highly unlikely I'm the one who reserved it, but just in case! I'm refraining from simply listing them because who knows, if no one wants 'em, maybe I want to have that IGN anonymously if/when I return.

//edit: And no, I'm not going to be checking quotes or replies or anything, just PMs Tired.

*� hibernation is very much like quitting except without the finality, and very much like taking a break without the assurance of return. perfect for a vacillator such as myself.
** the thing is, I don't actually like [i]using[/i] an IGN that doesn't feel right for a particular character, so "sounding cool" doesn't necessarily mean I'll use it

July 20, 2012