

Post your new training places here--Important

So of course, everyone is confused as to where they should train now. I am personally looking for level 130+ training spots personally, but any aran can post where they think is good training. Tell the monster name, hp, exp, and other details(spawn rate, small/big map). Gallos is obviously too crowded atm.
So far, I have only searched Leafre, and the only good spot for my level is Red Dragon turtles. With ice charge, my damage is crazy, the spawn is good, the map is kind of big. Follow this example.

Red Dragon Turtles: Level 128- 125,000 hp, 2226 exp. Good spawn, big map. They are ice-weak, so damage is great.

Coolie zombies: Level 132- 145,000 hp, 2,529 exp.

December 10, 2010