
Searching for nice people to help me make a new class

Any nice maplers wanna help me make a new char on their world? I've run out of stuff to do today (stupid Nexon, ruined my Silent Crusade streak) and I hate leveling at 130+ because it takes ages.

September 9, 2012

3 Comments • Newest first


Come to bera, we have great guides.
Im famous for the [url=]hero and pally [/url]guide.
Yes, its gotten a little old, but because its been a stressful school week, I thought Id like to cheer up basil.

Reply September 9, 2012

What do you mean ' help you make a new char on their world ' ?
If you mean creating an account, it only takes a couple of minutes.
If you mean creating a character takes a few seconds.
If you mean leveling a new char to lvl 130 for you. A couple of weeks.

Reply September 9, 2012