

Dual Blade Skill books

Ive never had a dual blade before, but I know(?) that you need some skill books for some skills, and that they were available only thtough nexon.
Is this still true? I can only get the skill books with nexon.
If not, what are the ways to get them, and if I didnt have the skillbooks, is it worth to make a dual? (grammar mistake I think )

September 2, 2011

2 Comments • Newest first


Ugh, I dont know, im talking about skills like bloody storm, that you used to need Nexon to get them

Reply September 2, 2011

The only Skill Books that you can use as a Dual Blade is Maple Warrior, Phantom Blow, Final Cut. All of which do not require any NX to obtain.

If you're talking about Mastery Books, which you probably are, then those can also be obtained without NX but are less common.

Reply September 2, 2011