

General Bowman

Sort of want to change to a Bowmaster Alright well I literally (Lv 101) just became a Marksman and I already want to switch to a Bow Master... I just am not liking the skills to much as a Marksman. Especially how Snipe and Piercing Arrow look basically the same. I need variety, I like the skills I saw on a Bow Master with Hurricane coming back as a 4th job skill and Arrow platter going to 3rd job. I'm just weary about how expensive it is to fund a Bow Master compared to a Marksman, how much should I be spending on a Bow? or should I just buy anything I can get until 140 when I can use an Empress bow.

General Bowman

2 Questions in 1 thread Question 1: When all my things have finished selling I'll have around... 2.5bil (lol). I was wondering how much of that I should spend on a good Crossbow. [i]Question 2: I have a Red Crossbow (Lv 75) which I used some left over spell traces/enhancement scrolls and I got it to Dex +11 / Att +120 with Unique Potential Dex +9% / Ignore 15% Monster' Def / Att +6%, what Neb would be best suited for it? Just to use until I buy a much better end-game type Crossbow. [/i]