

General Updates

Best Laptop for Ms and College? Hi everyone, I'm looking for a new laptop, preferably a PC, and am looking for some input on what I should keep my eye out for. Some preferences I have are for the laptop to be: small and light, preferably flexible, able to handle multiple tabs and windows, fast, and maybe even touch-screen/having a 2-1 kind of function (but not entirely necessary). My price range can go as far as $1500, but I'd prefer to drop under $1000. Something I've had my eyes on was this:;skuId=8618415 Thanks in advance for all of the help!


Maplestory Not Starting Up? Well, ever since the server maintenance, my maple won't work, or startup. Basically, after I have my gamelauncher started, after pressing "start game," nothing ever shows up. I then end the process, and the same problem occurs. I've had this problem before, but it only started working again when a new patch came. But, I kind of want to participate in this Halloween event, heard good things about it and don't want to miss out T_T. Any suggestions? Also, I've reinstalled maple a couple times already. :/ Thanks Basil for the help~!