

General Aran

Ive been lied to Ever since the Aran revamp during the Dawnveil patch, I've been told by every Aran that Overswing was our best 1v1/DPS skill. Considering how fast it is, and how high it hits, I believed my fellow Arans. So, whenever I do dojo, I would just spam Overswing without a care. I would usually average around 21 minutes, with my best time being 20:12. I had never got under 20 minutes. With the upcoming revamp, I decided to do a pure FB+BB run to compare it to its upcoming buff. On my first run, I clocked in at 19:05. On my second run, my time was 18:56. Keep in mind that since FB requires combos, I had to constantly cast Combo Recharge and Combo Unlimited, which added 10-20 seconds to my time. With that said, how is Overswing our b