


My Gripe with the makeup 2x event I'm sure some, or most, of you don't care. However, I'm sick of Nexon having 2x events doing these makeup 2x events on days their problems didn't occur. For me, I get Wednesdays to play games, not Friday. So when the server is down on Wednesday, giving 2x on Friday does no good. Why can't Nexon just have a makeup 2x the following week from when they had the unscheduled maintenance? Is it really that hard to have a 2x event next Tuesday from Noon till 4:45 and one on Wednesday from 11:30 till 1:15 to make up for the problems this week? Actually, I'd just prefer they give a 2x card to anyone logged in within an hour of the shutdown or when it came back. None of this everyone training in the same places at the


Are Lower Level Maple Weapons Worth Storing? I have entire inventories full of these weapons collected because of RLH. All of them are above average with good potential. However, with Tot's Know How rewards, we get weapons for our characters up to level 60 and now that we don't require a second stat, I'm thinking anything below level 64 is useless. Even level 64 weapons might not be all that necessary. I don't plan on selling any of these, just keeping them around in case I roll up a new character. Am I just wasting space for stuff below a certain level since leveling is so easy these days?

General Updates

Why is the Game so Loud? I'm trying to balance out the volume between apps and I have a really difficult time getting the right volume because of MS. In the game, I have sound set Sound set as low as it can go without turning it off and BGM set one step above it. In Windows, I have MS set at 1%. When I go to video players, I need to turn up my speaker volume to hear anything while needing to turn it back down when I play MS. I don't have this problem with any other game. Is there a reason why Nexon volume is set to 100 times of what it needs to be?


What Happened to the Maple Story I knew? I was bored and about to search the FM, but I was on my level 102 Luminous and haven't done the Aliens prequest yet. I figured I might as well do it. After that, I look around and found a room 6 with a level 109 Luminous. I ask him if he's leaving soon. He said he was at 70% and was leaving when he hit 110, so I waited. A few minutes later, he leveled and gave me the room. This is where it gets weird. During the 45 minutes I spent getting to 110 myself, there were dozens of people coming in. A few stayed and started killing things. Whenever I asked them to leave, they just left. No being annoying, no cursing me out, just politely leaving. TLDR version: Easily found a room at Aliens 6 and nobody tried


How are people farming 100 tempest coins in an hour? I collected almost every box, did the 30 minute and 200 kill quests during the 2x event while using a 1.5x drop card. I also did the Christmas stocking thing. I ended up with 73 coins after opening all the boxes and stockings. That's only about 36.5 an hour and that doesn't even include the 20 or 30 minutes it took to open all the boxes. I'm guessing people are grossly over exaggerating or else I have really box luck. If you're curious, I opened 12 stockings, 125 Santa boxes, 73 Tempest boxes and 115 Ice Chests.

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