
Miracle Time History and Trends After doing some searching on Google, managed to find most (if not all) past Miracle Time events: Aug. 8, 2012 Jan. 23, 2013 Mar. 24, 2013 Jul. 13, 2013 (Moved to 18th and 20th) Nov. 2, 2013 Mar. 8, 2014 Jul. 12, 2014 Nov. 30, 2014 Mar. 12, 2015 Jul. 18, 2015 *GMS Server If anyone knows of any missing times, please comment as well. Based on the history, and also that Miracle Times often accompany large patches with new releases and big events, the next Miracle Time will most likely be anywhere from October to December, depending on new patches and/or events. Suggest saving up NX/Reward Points the month before. NX/RP Cube Pricing from last event (7/18/2015): Red Cube Twelve Pack: 10,800 NX (900 NX/cube, save 2


Explorer Job Quest Cutscene Error After Wednesday's patch/update, I logged on and was at the Victoria Tree Platform, where I clicked on the light bulb icon and accepted a quest from Kyrin with "Buccaneer" in the title (not sure on exact quest name). I was then teleported to a room in the Nautilus, where the black cutscene bars appeared and I was moving automatically. Now i'm just stuck on the very right side of the room doing nothing. Relogging has not solved the issue. Anyone else having this problem? If so, how did you manage to fix it?