

General Chat

Are you the same person online as offline? As TS reads; Are you the same person online as you are offline? Sometimes i'm serious online sometimes i'm not and it's hard for others to interpret the differences. I'm the complete opposite of what i am online to offline. Online I get to pretend to be whatever I want but I'll leave some truth in there. I'm also more carefree or care less about other people online. I get to do whatever I want and say what i want but a lot of the times people take it the wrong way. Offline however... My attitude is a lot more serious, and when I say anything; it's more understanding to the person I'm speaking with because we get to see each others reaction, feelings or expression that helps us get the picture.

General Chat

What to get these people for christmas? Blah, I'm one of those last minute shoppers and I still don't know what to get people for Christmas. I have a huge list of people to buy stuff for but i'm limited to a few =X. Anyways they're all girls and cousins. Normally I would never ask basil but I'm outa options. My budget is 100$ for 5 people. Here they are: 4 Month Baby Girl 22 Year old girl 18 year old girl 6th grader girl And hopefully i have money left over to buy an electric screw driver for my Paps. There's a lot of girls in the family.

General Chat

What I think regret is. I just had to share this story that a friend sent me. Yesterday the year of the Dragon kicked off for my ethnicity and I am ready for some good changes. Here's the story! Right off an old lady herself. SUBJECT: Hi handsome. My name is Rose The first day of school our professor introduced him self and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being... She said, 'Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I'm eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?' I laughed and enthusiastically responded, 'Of course you may!' and she gave me a giant sque

General Chat

This thanksgiving is going to suck So I'm making this thread to rant and leave my troubles here where it doesn't matter. To start off, my grandma is real sick and I got this paranoia feeling that she might be going soon. My moms job no longer exist so her company let her go. My dad is getting old and still working at a warehouse he's been at for all his life; he's also getting sick occasionally X_X. My closest cousins parents divorced after 16 years of marriage and now their family is scattered. To make matters worst, the closest person to me; my best friend, stopped interacting with me nor cares about me anymore. For everything that had happened, I put up the best fake happy image that I can; just to lie to myself and everyone else that ev

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