


pc on mounts and stuff please alright so i did some gach you guys are welcome to offer aswell! Pegasus Mount- 1 year Chicken Mount- 90 day Nina's Pentacle Mount- 90 day Dark scroll one handed BW 70% Dark scroll earring int 70% Dark scroll helmet int 70% Dark Scroll earring dex 70% scroll Cape int 60% scroll staff magic atk 10% scroll spear atk 60% scroll crossbow atk 60% Dark scroll crossbow atk 30% scroll claw atk 60% scroll gun atk 60% dark scroll gun atk 70% Last Unwelcome Guest Two Handed Axe- wep atk 104 Ruby Tail 2nd unwelcome guest necklace- 3/3/4/4 Wraith Eraser- What are eraser's even for? Mastery Books Achilles 20 Slash Storm 20 Exploding arrows 20 Metal Armour: Missile Tank 30 Obsidian Skin 30 OctoPunch 30 Chairs. Bunny chair- pe

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