

General Thief

How Should I Upgrade? Currently, I'm sitting at about 300k range buffed on my shadower, and I was wondering what to upgrade to get the largest increase in range. My current equips are: -Rising heroes badge -Royal assassin bonnet scrolled with spell traces, 3L unique 6% luk -Eagle eye assassin top scrolled with spell traces, 3L unique 6% luk -Trixter assassin bottom w traces 3L epic 6% luk -Fafnir dagger unscrolled 3L unique 9% attk -Khanjar 18 attk 3L unique 9% attk -Gold maple emblem 2L 6% luk 12 attk -Half earrings 9% luk -Tempest ring 6% luk -Reinforced gollux ring (+1) 3L epic crap pot -Dark angelic blessing ring -Fox ring 6% luk -Reinforced engraved gollux pendant (+6) 3L epic 6% luk -Reinforced engraved gollux belt 3L epic crap pot -2