
Next anime crossover So, what do you guys think the next anime crossover should be? I think they should use Hunter X Hunter. Maybe using passing the hunter exam. Passing should give give a medal called Hunter and then maybe add some content from the chimera ant arc like having to beat the royal guard. That would give you the Pro Hunter medal. They could even add a mini-game using Gungi where you have to beat Komugi. Winning x amount of times could give a title like Gungi Master.

General Site

My input on the forums Honestly, the listings are about as dead as the auctions(at least that's how both of those features seem to me.). I personally don't see anything wrong with using the general forum as a place to ask for P/C, T>, S>, Guild recruitment and any other maple related topics. I've been actively reading the general maple forums for the past week or so and not much has happened in the way of new posts in relation to spamming the forum section with unrelated spam. Same goes for the class sub forums. They'd seem dead if it weren't for the post or two that happens from time to time. Yet, mods like to lock threads if no one posts after a month or so(not really sure of the time cut off). How would necro-posting a valid respon


Merry Christmas Basil just slip some NX under the tree for me; Been an awful good boy, Basil baby, So hurry down the chimney tonight. Basil baby, a lvl 64 Maple Skanda too, light blue :p I'll wait up for you, dear; Basil baby, So hurry down the chimney tonight. Think of all the PQ's I've missed; Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed o.o; Next year I could be just as good... if you check off my Christmas list Basil baby, I want a potion pot and really that's not a lot; Been an angel all year; Basil baby, So hurry down the chimney tonight. Basil honey, one little thing I really do need... The deed... to a W-A-B, Basil baby, So hurry down the chimney tonight. Basil cutie, and fill my stocking with a codex and NX; Sign your 'X' on the l

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