
How do I perfect a weapon? Hi everyone. I've played this game for years, probably since 2006 and i've had 30+ characters, all pretty noobish in level. Up until now at least. I've finally gotten a few characters close to 200 and I really want to make the most out of them and finally try to fund one of my characters. Now I always scroll my stuff, especially now with the new starforce system, but i've never understood how people get such high attack. Someone told me I need to be using 15% spell traces, but how do you even use scrolls with such a low percent success rate? Is it all about luck or something? Next, i'd like to ask how people get super high attack on other items that normally don't have attack. I've seen tons of screens of godly at

General Shade

My first Elite boss So I just killed my first Elite boss and since so many people are still asking about them, I thought i'd give my 2 cents about it. I was on my lvl75 Berserker, training at poison poopas. I think I killed around 6 or 7 Elite monsters before it showed, but as you get closer to spawning a boss, the message you receive after killing an Elite mob will be something like "I can feel something in the darkness" so if you see that, you're getting close. Anyways. I killed one of the Elite Mobs when "Warning" Flashed across my screen and suddenly the edges of my screen turned black/purple and the Elite Mage boss appeared with 2 Elite monsters. I tried to take some screens but I can't find them so if you want to k


My first Cs suprise box run Hey guys. I recently bought 4 premium surprise boxes. Not a large run but it's the first time i've bought any of these things. Could I please get a price check on what I got? Twinkling Rainbow Gold Tailor Vest And the other 2 I can't exactly remember their names. One is like angel wings you wear on your head, and the other is called Intergalactic gloves? I think? I would log on and check, but maple is being screwy atm. Thank you for any replies :)


Crashing at Zakum Heres my little rant. I've been playing this game since i was a freshman in high school. Back before Pirates were even released, and until now i've never even faced zak. Not once. I was either too low level or just not funded enough to solo. Now with my Kaiser, solo is an option. In fact i'm so close to doing it. Last night i killed all the arms and my game crashed....well just 10mins ago i got him down to half his health on his last form. I honestly thought i was finally going to do it....then my game crashed.. This is not fair. All this time waiting to finally fight this thing and it's being stolen from me. I know in the past people used to crash alot in Zak but i thought that was a thing of the past...guess not. Ok now

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