

General Phantom

Unfunded Phantom and Red With the new RED Update coming and them being able to take Final Cut or Arrow Platter will they be at least okay when you're basically unfunded. My phantom doesn't have much, only 29% luk and a 10 atk wg basically. His damage range is only like 13k at level 116, but the damage seems extraordinarily low even for that range. I love the class still and was wondering would those new steal-able skills help me ? I also only have a clean cane and priere d'aria 10 if that helps. Thanks!

General Nightlord

Starting an Unfunded NightLord Hey Basil. Lately Ive been seeing most people telling new players/people who haven't played a thief before to avoid NL's and giving them a huge amount of mesos required. Seeing as there's 3x exp and Ive got a few days off. I'm going to make a NL with minimal funding. Hopefully all goes well, and I can encourage some others who have always felt 'Too Poor' to make one, to give it a try. Will my dex be sorta high and will my damage suck? Most assuredly. Will I enjoy myself? Hopefully. So, I'll be leveling in Khaini and always looking for friends/training buddies, Im 21 years old, talkative and fairly active. Leave your IGN's below and I'll add you :) Update: I used a level potion, currently level 87 on my Hermit,


Now that weve had a chance to try the new classes So now that we've all had time to give the three new classes, what's everyone's opinions? Which was your favorite? Are you planning to main the new class? Will you still play them when the nerfs hit? Personally I didnt think I'd like Demon Slayer, but I have to admit I love the story line. I plan to main that one or maybe a Mercedes, unsure as of now. DS story reminds me of Alucard from Castlevania, thats probably why I like it so much. How about you Basil what are your thoughts on the new classes?

General Chat

If you could go back in time Ok Basil, I was reading a book called, "The Dead Zone" The main character asked many different people in it, the question I'm going to ask you. If you could go back in time, would you assassinate Hitler? You'd most likely be caught as in, you can go back but you can't immediatly return to the future or anything like that. Even if you knew you might not even succeed, and you could be tortured or imprisoned for life, knowing what he's going to cause would you feel its your duty to try and stop it?

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