

General Fun

New Star Wars Prequel! George Lucas has announced today that he has begun production of a new set of star wars prequels, set before the story of "the Phantom Menace". Suspicion was first drawn when the most recent DVD box set digitally changed the title markers in the films (for example, "Return of the Jedi" is now labeled "Episode IX"). Lucas was excited to start spilling details about the setting and story of this new film. The prequel is to be set 725 years prior to the events of "Phantom Menace". The story follows Yoda, at the young age of 58, as he begins his training as a Jedi padewan. Lucas tells us "We see Yoda at a more youthful and reckless time of his life. Already his powers are begin

General Dualblade

For all you people with DB hatred This is for you Countless threads are being made hating on Dual Blades. All this hatred is normally based on what a particular Dual Blade did. Yeah, you may have gotten ksed by SOME of us. You may haven been killed by SOME of us. But then everyone goes on to say "ZOMG I GTO KILLED BY A DB WTF@!@!@!@! TIME TO POST IT ON BASIL TO RANT !one!111111" Don't blame the class, blame the player Not all Dual Blades are bad. The particular person may have been a jerk, and maybe a group of people may have been jerks. [b]It's not everyones fault[/b]. There are jerks that play any class, including your own. It's all generalizations Therefore, before you post that "I HATE DBS, THEY SHOULDVE NEVER BEEN INVENT